Where Do We Go From Here?
A comic by Chris Anderson
Trying to figure out how, and what, to teach in a pandemic.
Satariano, A. (2020, September 23). Young people more likely to believe virus misinformation, study says. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes. com/2020/09/23/technology/young-peoplemore-likely-to-believe-virus-misinformationstudy-says.html
Chris Anderson is a Knowles Senior Fellow who has been teaching at the secondary level for eight years. He has taught integrated science, environmental science, sociology, chemistry, biology, and anatomy-physiology. Chris recently relocated to the Chicago area, following his spouse, and started at New Trier High School amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. He has lived in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois, but never very far from the Great Lakes. Chris likes to grow things to eat. You can find him, occasionally, on Twitter @grow_sci or email him at chris.anderson@knowlesteachers.org.